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Abundant Solutions Counseling believes in using the love first model of intervention that will disrupt and detach a person from their malady in order to allow the person a chance at the recovery process.

"What is an Intervention? An intervention is a well - planned and carefully structured process. Family and friends are to lovingly but firmly confront the person with his or her illness and the necessity of beginning treatment." *

Intervention Types: Generally people think that interventions can only be done with addictions; however, an intervention can be done on anyone that is in an addictive, obsessive, or crippling cycle that is interfering with the functioning of their life.

Abundant Solutions Counseling offers interventions of various types of addictions including alcohol, drugs, gambling, eating disorders. Interventions can also be done on mental health issues such as depression, bipolar disorders and hoarding, to name just a few.

* Partially quoted from the book Love First by Jeff & Debra Jay.

For more detailed information feel free to contact me.

Sincerely yours, Paul S. Lovato B.S. CACIII

© 2024 Abundant Solutions Counseling, LLC